

Please sign the guest book and leave a comment. Feel free to tell me just how awesome my site is. ;P

Fri May 15 16:38:04 1998
Name: Mrs. Hernandez
Comments: This is wonderful! You get an A for your project. Hopefully nothing too spooky happens to you over the summer!
Tue Jun 9 20:04:37 1998
Name: Jessica
Comments: Hey Amelia! I love your site! If you wouldn't mind, would you link to my Buffy site? I'll add a link to your site on mine. Thanks! <3

Wed Mar 24 10:12:28 1999
Name: xXx.SpookySandra.xXx
Comments: This is a nifty resource! I'll have to check out the Corbitt place when I visit my Grandparents this Summer. I'll be sure to report my findings!

Thu Nov 18 02:26:55 1999
Comments: Your website may not be Y2K compatible. If it isn't, the whole of Geocities may cease to function. You are required to email to us at! Be sure to include your geocites address, your name, credit card information, and your social security number.

Mon Feb 21 14:51:12 2000
Name: Drac
Comments: Vat do you vant vith me? If you don't take down the site, I vill be forced to send you a cease and desist letter! P.S. It's Helsing, you idiot!

Thu Jul 12 13:49:44 2001
Name: RedSoxFan78
Comments: Something worth noting about the Corbitt house is that back in the day it used to be owned by a local church in the area. Big deal, right? Well, it got raided about 15 years ago by the cops and got shut down. I don't know what for, but still kind of creepy.

Fri Jul 13 00:12:06 2001
Name: YeyeY
Comments: if i were you, i'd be wary of sticking my nose in affairs that don't concern you. it may come back one day to bite you. something to Contemplate . . .

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